Let us show you around!
A Typical Day at Operation PETS
After you make an appointment to bring your pet to Operation PETS, what then?

We have a very strict surgical schedule that must be followed so it is very important that you arrive on time. If you are late we may need to re-schedule your appointment. Check-in time for dogs is 7:15 AM; check-in time for friendly cats in carriers is 7:30 AM and check-in time for feral cats in humane traps is 8:00 AM.
We check-in all patients at the same time. Plan to be here up to 60 minutes.

When you arrive you will leave your pet in the car and come to the check-in window to let us know you have arrived.
When your paperwork is complete we will ask you to bring your pet in.

If there are any concerns you will be notified by phone and the condition will be discussed with you.
Otherwise your pet will be cleared for surgery.

This will help your pet relax and will make them a little sleepy.

After full recovery from anesthesia, animals are discharged from the clinic the same day as surgery.

Plan to be here 20-30 minutes.
We will review post-operative instructions with you. You will be told what to expect over the next few days as your pet recovers from surgery.
You will told of any conditions or medical issues the veterinarian may have found during examination that require follow up at a full service veterinary hospital.
Your pet is happy to see you and ready to go home!!

3443 South Park Ave., Buffalo, NY 14219
Phone: 716-783-8998 | Fax: 716-783-8099
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