Donate to Help Keep Our Clinic Running
Running a high-volume clinic is a huge undertaking. As a non- profit organization we depend on donations to keep our doors open. Your donation to our general fund will help provide cat and dog food, litter, office supplies, medical supplies, surgical supplies, and much more.
Have an impact
Any contribution, small or large, is greatly appreciated.
Just click on the Donate button to make your secure online donation.
Operation PETS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization.
Your donation is tax deductible.

Donate to Help Spay/Neuter a Dog
Your donation will help provide spay/neuter services and life protecting vaccinations for those who can least afford it, and will help to significantly reduce the number of dogs euthanized each year because there are too many animals and too few homes.

Donate to Help a Feral/Community Cat get Sterilized
If you would like to help community cat caregivers get their colony cats spayed or neutered your donation of $25.00 will help a cat get steralized.
Donate Now
3443 South Park Ave., Buffalo, NY 14219
Phone: 716-783-8998 | Fax: 716-783-8099
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